Riding so slowly it hurts was written and recorded by Inger Wold Lund in the summer of 2015. Sounds were created and mixed by Claire Tolan.
The tour was released on August 26, 2015, the luckiest day of the year for Scorpio and Sagittarius.
A non-exhaustive list of sounds sampled:
* denotes Elsenstr, Berlin. ** denotes Lortzingstr, Berlin.
Special thanks to A., E. and I. who performed test runs of the audio on the train. Thanks also to J. who modeled for the press photos, to Luzie Meyer for the German translation, to AQNB for supporting the tour launch, and to our favorite hacker JM-F.
The sound work by Claire Tolan was made possible through the generous support of the Goethe Institut and Space Studios during the Space Perlin Noise Sound Art Residency at London's White Building in July and August 2015.
Inger Wold Lund is currently receiving a work-grant from Arts Council Norway which enables her to work freely in the field of visual arts.
Riding so slowly it hurts is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. For more information about Creative Commons, please visit here.
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